Blue Skies Above Us

Usurp Synapse

And friends! Three split seven inches. Plus one compilation seven inch.

usurp hassanusurp jerome

I’m sure that all of the songs in this post can be downloaded elsewhere… but, first off, fact: I tend to transfer the music that I want to listen to, and this is what I want right now on my portable music device. So there. Second off, I’m not sure if I need a whole Usurp Synapse discography CD at the moment – because (third off) I like having the context for the songs, and I like having whatever bands were on the other sides of the splits; and also, Usurp Synapse is very crazy and brain-melting. Fourth off? This is everything I own by this band.

So, here are the splits (both sides!) with Jeromes Dream (on Clean Plate/Level Plane), the split with Hassan I Sabbah (on Electric Human Project), the split with Index for Potential Suicide (on Witching Hour), and the Antipodes compilation (on Level Plane) (which features, Jeromes Dream, Hassan I Sabbah, Neil Perry, Usurp Synapse, and The Assistant).

usurp indexantipodes

All these came out in 2000. All, to be honest, rule. Things I like about Usurp Synapse: they blend Rorschach’s Protestant-era vocals (vicious) with crazy time signatures, blast beats, all along a solid general backdrop of chaos and noisiness. I can’t deny that I’m drawn to hardcore that is almost blindingly chaotic. Of course, that’s a simplification of this music. And once you listen to it over and over it loses its sense of chaos, and becomes, frankly, predictable. But don’t let that detract from your enjoyment of these records; they’ll always be unusual and crazy. Also, transferring these records has reminded me that I really like Jeromes Dream… unfortunately this is all I have by them.</audio>

Oops, I just realized that I misspelled the track name, Maybe You Should Kill Yourself. I don’t want to re-upload this right now, because my ‘net is acting slow. So please fix it yourself. this should be fixed.

Download: Usurp Synapse and Friends!

The Great Age of Enlightenment?

Misc Grab Bag #1


I want to know if anybody can scana and upload it the artwork of the Navio Forge LP repress on Ebullition.I´m going to do a Navio Forge t-shirt but I need a good image to use in the front,in the back will be have the lyric of “Haloed Eyes”.I really appreciate the help.

Ryan,thanks for keep doing these great blog. Best wishes!!!!!!

Nicolas: No. I posted everything I have. Sorry!

A friend and neighbor of mine has some of their stuff - he said a 5” and something else. I’ll check.

Cool. I tried to find the track names for the split with Jeromes Dream, but I don’t know if there are any. Level Plane says they don’t know them, so I figure nobody does.

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